Hack to write your own original lyrics

Amchi Kingdom
3 min readNov 14, 2021

When it comes to song-writing, it is just like any other skill- it is definitely something that ANYONE can learn and get better at through time and practice.

Are you relatively new with songwriting? Then you’re on the right track!

When looking at the main components of a song, we are presented with the following:

  1. Background Track
  2. Lyrics
  3. Melody

It is important to note that all these components go hand in hand and should work together in harmony. With that said here are the steps to writing your original lyrics:

STEP 1: Listen to the whole track

When dealing with an already made track, it is important that you listen to the whole track to get a vibe of what it is trying to convey. You would highly want your lyrics to be speaking on the same lines of what the background track is expressing.

During this time, you may also try freestyling along with the track to get some melodic inspirations — essentially the tune of which your lyrics would be sung in. When you feel that you have bonded well enough with the track, proceed to Step 2.

STEP 2: Start with the chorus

If a song is a story, the chorus is the theme of which the story is about. Therefore, starting with writing the chorus really helps you set a tone for the following verses you will eventually write. In this case (in the video above) the central theme of the song was:

“Two friends are happy to feel that they can be truly open and free with one another.”

— The song’s chorus:

I’m feeling so happy

That I can be

Truly free

Between you and me

Once you have written a rough draft of your chorus, proceed to Step 3.

STEP 3: Create a story to follow

Once the central theme (the chorus) is in place, now is the great time for you to think of what led up to the chorus- these would be written as your verses. In this case the story that led up to the chorus is:

“Either of the friends felt like they were better off alone as they felt that being around people meant being vulnerable to being judged.”

— The song’s sample verses:

I felt that things were okay

Keeping to myself

Just me and no one else

‘Cuz I live by through each day

But then i realize that there were some things I couldn’t do alone

I need someone, I need a friend, I need a hand to hold

I always felt that being alone was good enough for me

‘Cuz I know that would mean that I could live my life judgement free

STEP 4: Trial & error process

It is important for you to remember that you always might never get it right in the first go. After writing the lyrics and singing to it, go through your song once more and see which parts can be sung in a varied melody and which parts could have certain generic words changed to a more specific and descriptive word.

Again, songwriting takes a lot of practice, but as you keep writing more and more songs you will eventually stumble upon a composition that you would want to treasure for a lifetime.

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Amchi Insights Instagram: www.instagram.com/amchi.insights

Email: amchikingdom@gmail.com

Originally published at http://amchikingdom.wordpress.com on November 14, 2021.



Amchi Kingdom

🙋🏻‍♀️🇵🇭&🙋🏽‍♂️🇮🇳 —Amchi means “Ours”✨